Protect your privacy using Raspberry Pi4

Person 1

Firewall and VPN

User could block countries IP (v4 and v6) and allow access via VPN only

Person 2


The device can be used as an Access Point for all Wifi devices located in house, based on defined time schedule

Person 3


User can encrypt files or messages and send it to partner in a encrypted form (128-bit symmetric block cipher)

Person 4

Trackers and ADS BLOCKER

User can block/unblock access at OSI level 7 (DNS) or OSI level 3 (iptables). Customized list of trackers and ads is available


1.Download the Internet Blocker - Paranoid image

Pic 01

2. Write img on a new formatted SD card via dd command: sudo dd if=wifiBlocker_PARANOID_BULLSEYE.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M in case microSD card is detected as /dev/sdb

Pic 01

3. Insert card in PI4, power on and the iBlocker_PARANOID Wifi (SSID) would be available; use network passphrase=test1234 to attach to it

Pic 01

Internet Blocker Advantages

1. Easy to install

2. No registration, no account needed

4. No cloud, no cookies

Pic 01

5. No Java used

Pic 01

6. Open source, no comissioning

7. VPN server available

8. IPv6 enabled

9. Protects all devices

10. List of trackers and ads available

11. No info stored about user or his traffic

Pic 01


"Per aspera ad Astra"

  • Virtual Private Network (IKEv2/IPSec RSA or L2TP/IPSec PSK):

  • Pic 01
  • File/messages encryption (128-bit symmetric block cipher):

  • Pic 01
  • LTE/5G Modem Integration:

  • Pic 01
  • File Convertor (from .csv to Excel and MySQL):

  • Pic 01
  • Firewall:

  • Pic 01
  • Timetable (Internet On/Off):

  • Pic 01
  • Check accessed sites:

  • Pic 01
  • Contact: